Lithuania Pictured

Click on photos to enlarge Nikon F2 35 mm f 1:1.4 'Bathed in Amber, the substance of the sun' Sunset at Palanga on the Baltic coast of Lithuania Rustic House in favourite Lithuanian yellow near the village of Marcinkonys Trakai Castle near Vilnius Country House of Uzutrakis built by the Polish Count Jozef Tyszkiewicz at Trakai Vilnius from Gemidinas Castle Millenium Celebrations in Vilnius Lithuania July 2009 I have always wanted to complete my picture of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and recently spent two weeks touring Lithuania. The weather has been pretty frightful in Warsaw this summer - storms nearly every afternoon and evening. Lithuania was much better. As those who read this blog will know I have recently returned from two weeks touring Lithuania by car. It is a great shame that the tourist industry in this fascinating country is not sufficiently promoted to assist growth in the economy. The country beyond Vi...