Edward Cahill plays in the Teatro Romano in Ventimiglia, Italian Riviera, in May 1947

Lt. to Rt. the famous surgeon Dr. Serge Voronoff, Edward Cahill the Australian pianist, the Baron Leonino da Zara, the former Italian air ace at the Teatro Romano Ventimiglia (Bordighera), Italian Riviera 1947 The diminutive Edward Cahill at the Teatro Romano Ventimiglia (Bordighera) Italian Riviera in 1947 The remains of the Teatro Romano Ventimiglia Italian Riviera in the summer of 2011 For those of you following some of my occasional posts concerning progress on my 'book in progress' on my great-uncle, the brilliant but forgotten Australian pianist Edward Cahill, you might like to have a look at this small piece of 16mm film which I have had recently transferred to DVD. You can download and view it in Windows Media Player. The film clip is silent except for a brief burst of Liszt’s La Campanella . The film is in two brief sections which are rather similar. It shows Edward playing at the Teatro Romano in Ven...