8th Chopin and his Europe Festival 2012 (Chopin i jego Europa Festiwal 2012) From Bach to Debussy and Kilar

An exquisite set of miniature enamelled furniture in the museum of the magnificent Bishop's Castle, Lidzbark Warminski, Poland Click on photographs to enlarge Some opening remarks Owing to family committments in Mazury I was unable to attend the first two concerts of the Festival. Perhaps the recent 'evenements' and upheaval at the Chopin Institute also led to the relative brevity of this particular festival and the difficulty in obtaining tickets (most concerts sold out ages ago). I am afraid my coverage of the festival will be rather fitful and inadequate - however I have managed to obtain a few tickets for outstanding concerts and will cover them in the usual manner. I am so pleased the great entrepreneur Mr. Stanislaw Leszczynski is back as Artistic Director of the Festival. Thank heavens for the radio station Dwojka (Polish Radio 2) that maintains the highest standards in academically informed commentary, uncompromising discrimi...