Edward Cahill - The Pocket Paderewski - First Draft of my biography of the artist is now complete

Click on photographs for a superior result Edward Cahill at 24 Edward Cahill in performance at Montreux 1935 Edward Cahill retired to Monte-Carlo in 1961. This view of the port is from the The Trophy of Augustus at the village of La Turbie 2010 I have not been idle and simply driving classic cars around the summer countryside and living a generally hedonistic and sybaritic lifestyle. I do work but not all day! There are many postings on this blog over a number of years concerning the progress of the biography of Edward Cahill. For the few people who may be interested in my progress in putting together the vast jigsaw that is the life of my great-uncle the Australian concert pianist, I chilled the first bottle of champagne in preparation to celebrate the completion of the final Chapter 20. This has now been drunk to celebrate my...