Edward Cahill Biography - Long -awaited and Now Published

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Dust Jacket Design Amelia Walker : www.ameliadesign.net

This post is for those of you who may have been reading my blog over the last six years. In many posts I described my travails in writing this latest book, a biography of Edward Cahill, the glamorous but now forgotten Australian concert pianist. A long journey but a rewarding one. The book was published by Australian Scholarly Publishing in November this year.

Available at: http://scholarly.info/book/516/

I managed to obtain three excellent reviews by eminent musicians of the rare private recordings of Liszt and Chopin that survived his peripatetic lifestyle. They generously made time from busy international schedules to listen via the internet to his recordings. This link will be printed in the book for readers to access. It will add a remarkable extra dimension and element of discovery to the biography of a now forgotten musician. His life was one that young pianists of today could only dream of living - a captivating social portrait of charm, leisure and refinement that has vanished forever.

I am eternally grateful for this gesture of support towards preserving my chronicle of a fine Australian artist of the past (who just happened to be my great-uncle).

His rare private recordings are available to listen to on this link  if you feel so inclined.

                   Opinions of surviving Chopin and Liszt recordings by Edward Cahill

The Cape Town studio recordings of Edward Cahill made in 1955 confirm him as a marvellous musician who was able to play magisterially but limpidly, full of charm and yet with forensic intelligence and insight. One can only regret not knowing sooner about this great artist, and I for one wish to know and, if possible, hear much more of him!

Dr. Leslie Howard

Distinguished pianist, composer and musicologist 

Acclaimed performer of Liszt

* * * *

Cahill plays throughout with irrepressible spirit and energy. The character of each piece is clearly projected and his appreciation of what the music is 'about' is faultless. It is easy to visualise his virtuoso panache.

James Methuen-Campbell 
International authority on Chopin interpretation

* * * *

Cahill's playing is passionately driven, full of excitingly forthright strength, but with a formal grip and sense of cadence that give it true command, shot through with unmistakeable touches of originality and tonal nuance. 

Piers Lane
Australian pianist of worldwide distinction

Full dust jacket of The Pocket Paderewski 
(low resolution - you will need to enlarge to read)

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