Edward Cahill Biography - Long -awaited and Now Published

Click on photographs to enlarge Dust Jacket Design Amelia Walker : www.ameliadesign.net This post is for those of you who may have been reading my blog over the last six years. In many posts I described my travails in writing this latest book, a biography of Edward Cahill, the glamorous but now forgotten Australian concert pianist. A long journey but a rewarding one. The book was published by Australian Scholarly Publishing in November this year. Available at: http://scholarly.info/book/516/ I managed to obtain three excellent reviews by eminent musicians of the rare private recordings of Liszt and Chopin that survived his peripatetic lifestyle. They generously made time from busy international schedules to listen via the internet to his recordings. This link will be printed in the book for readers to access. It will add a remarkable extra dimension and element of discovery to the biography of a now forgotten musi...