28th Mozart Festival, Warsawska Opera Kameralna - Gala - 14th July 2018 - Closing Concert

And so we come to the concluding gala celebrating the successful conclusion of the 28th Mozart Festival given in Warsaw by Warszawska Opera Kameralna. It was a shame I was absent from Warsaw during much of this period in Lübeck-Travemunde (Schleswig-Holstein) following the footsteps of Thomas Mann and his masterpiece Buddenbrooks. I was able to only review two operas and the opening and closing concerts. The concluding programme was a similar extensive potpourri to the opening concert of popular Mozart arias and overtures from various operas that were presented during the festival. The evening was intended to 'give pleasure' which it undoubtedly did to the enthusiastic audience - an uncomplicated concert for the enjoyment of familiar Mozart with fine singers from the company. The orchestra Musicae Antiquae Collegium Varsoviense (who play permanently on period instruments) was directed by the distinguished Polish conductor Marcin Sompolinski. The choice of the T...