
Showing posts from April 7, 2019

“Beethoven and the Songs of Romanticism” Beethoven Easter Festival, Warsaw 7-19 April 2019

Beethoven Monument (1880) on the Beethovenplatz , Vienna                                                                                          All Festival photographs by Bruno Fidrych Friday, 19 April, 7:30 pm Polish National Opera Benjamin Britten War Requiem  Op. 66 Ekaterina Scherbachenko  soprano Steve Davislim   tenor Michael Kupfer-Radecky  baritone Warsaw Philharmonic Choir Bartosz Michałowski choirmaster Warsaw Boys Choir Krzysztof Kusiel-Moroz choirmaster Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra Jacek Kaspszyk conductor In an Ambulance: a VAD lighting a cigarette for a patient, by Olive Mudie-Cooke. Coventry cathedral after the bombing raid Coventry Cathedral restored as a memoria...