'Use Well the Interval' of the Covid Pandemic - short entertaining and instructive video talks made by the Maestro of the historical clarinet, Lorenzo Coppola

I found these videos highly entertaining and deeply instructive 'lectures' as to what theatre and drama lies beneath some Haydn piano sonatas - if we perceive and truly penetrate the music! Not just pianistic dots on the page! This is how to generate enthusiasm for classical music in the minds of imaginative young students! It is given by the great Maestro of the historical clarinet Lorenzo Coppola. Cristina Esclapez plays the piano. I attended and reviewed a wonderful concert that Ensemble Dialoghi gave as part of the 2020 Chopin i jego Europa Festival in Warsaw. I also chatted at length with Lorenzo about how imperative it is to go one dimension deeper with this marvelously associative and operatic music of affectation and conversational communicative gesture in the music of the eighteenth century and baroque. Context, context and again context.... These videos are truly a revelation of what is behind the scenes! Video 1. Classical style: Opera with and without words | HAYDN...