Chopin Birthday Concert on 1 March 2021 by Szymon Nehring (piano), Ryszard Groblewski (viola) and Marcin Zdunik (cello) at Warsaw on the 211th Anniversary of the birth

I feel grateful to the National Fyderyk Chopin Institute to able to attend live concerts once again. I also respect greatly the courage shown by these young musicians to perform in public, even in such a large hall as the Filharmonia. Such a bizarre experience to sit masked in the Filharmonia Hall, distant from others without the slightest concession to social interaction or interval discussion over coffee or a glass of claret. But there is music present at last ! Ph oto Wojciech Grzędziński Szymon Nehring (piano), Ryszard Groblewski (viola) and Marcin Zdunik (cello) Fryderyk Chopin The hunting lodge, a pavillon de chasse in the romantic classical style, was bulit in 1822-1824 for Prince Antoni Radziwiłł by Karol Frideric Schinkel. The four-storey wooden building was erected on the plan of a Greek Cross. However, it was not actually completed until 1926. Introduction and Polonaise brillante in C major for piano and cello ...