17th. Chopin and his Europe International Music Festival 'So Far Away, and Yet So Close'… 14-31 August 2021

17th. Chopin and his Europe International Music Festival So far away, and yet so close… 14-31 August 2021 All photographs by Wojciech Grzędziński / NIFC Tuesday 31.08.21 18:00 Moniuszko Hall of the Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera Symphonic Concert And so we arrive at the final concert of this remarkable Festival, Chopin and His Europe 2021 . It has been a long and winding road of the most exquisite musical pleasures and some occasional bathos. The Artistic Director Stanisław Leszczyński is to be congratulated once again on his unstinting efforts to 'keep the show on the road', especially in the face of the pandemic which has so curtailed international travel for artists. As a 'foreign critic' I find the international publicity restrictions in Poland a severely limiting cultural barrier of the most unfortunate kind, especially in view of the Polish musical renaissance now in progress. There is in progress a rich rediscovery of Polish E...