Australian Chopin Festival 28th September - 2nd October 2023 - Friends of Chopin Australia

Friends of Chopin Australia 

Australian Chopin Festival 2023 

September 28th - October 2nd

Official Site:


Ewa Pobłocka



Australian Chopin Festival '23
Gala Opening Concert
Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Canberra

28th September 2023

7pm-9pm   $100pp 

Hear Chopin as you’ve never heard him played before, by one of the world’s great Chopinists, Ewa PobÅ‚ocka, in the salon of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland, a true cultural experience – Chopin from the heart of Poland.

Autograph MS Chopin Mazurka in F minor  Op.68 No.4



                Alexandra Åšwigut



Personal Guided Tour
Chopin Museum in Warsaw

The National Gallery of Australia

30th September 2023
              7pm-9pm   $80pp              
From the comfort of the National Gallery Australia, enjoy a tour of the exquisite Chopin Museum in Warsaw with a personalized guide. This special tour allows live-interaction with the guide for a unique and special experience. The tour will conclude with a beautiful concert, by Alexandra Åšwigut









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